Nokia X originally known as Normandy, seems to be the only one created by Finland company, the first Distant try Android Smartphone – Nokia, among other things. We started to learn a lot of information and now it is waiting for the presentation should take place at the Mobile World Congress to be held February 24 to 2014.
However, any low-end Nokia smartphones is unfortunately, you can't use Google services, Google apps, it is a highly personalized and exclusive service the device Nokia did not play store. In practice, if these conditions are not a lot of bet 1% wasn't even in my personal opinion of this device-success.
In addition to Nokia, the Finland companies can launch other Android smartphones including those of high-end, according to the latest rumors Artesyn Technologies disclosed. Sources said that other Android smartphones, Nokia it might be leaked to the public between May and June of course, no one knows they will get the Nokia Google contrasts.
Artesyn Technologies said by Microsoft Nokia mobile phones Division after the acquisition, the company's Redmond (IE Microsoft) will have all the high level of technology has developed and as differentiated from the top of the low frequency range of products was a product of all the technical camera Pure View, microphone, high altitude and display the Clear Black, achieved on Nokia devices.
So if Nokia cannot use these techniques on what it said were new high-end Android smartphones, so it will be difficult to former Finland Giants to join giants like Samsung, LG, Sony, HTC and others to compete.
In fact, however, the Nokia affect your smart phone Android operating system he doesn't want to hear about this situation depending on the explanations provided, you might have a few ideas.