The first boot and binding updates
PlayStation 4: after connecting the power cable,-PS4 HDMI cable Xbox a CRT TV-not compatible with Joysticks connected to the USB power and on/off button, but well hidden PlayStation 4 open quickly and clearly began to connect to the Internet, the console, select that you want to share online (awards won the game menu, and so on.). In less than 2 minutes, the console is ready to launch its first games. But if you want to use the Internet features (market access games, videos and music player connected to his PSN account), it will download 300 MB a forced update allows you to connect quality 5-20 minutes.
Xbox: the first Xbox starts with a simple, especially if you already have a Microsoft Outlook inherit or create an account on the Xbox 360. Otherwise, it will subscribe to the service. Ready to use after several settings to use the console. For convenience then began, it is possible to use equipment as KINECTS facial recognition.
When you first begin to download 500 MB should be taken approximately 5-30 minutes depending on your connection to force an update, you will need an Internet connection. You can then, if you want to download the application (like YouTube, Pluzz or convulsions.
Menu Navigation
PlayStation 4: Sony has already informally, "horizontal" PlayStation 3 supports a more intuitive navigation. Very clean, on the main screen displays the new installation of console gaming friends, recent activities and provides access to the Internet, "library" games or downloading movies and playing live in one place in the world list of games, you can view and comment. Upward adjustment of pressure allows access to PSN (market games, movies, music), his player account and a variety of options. Everything is clear and complete. Only drawback to change user accounts, go to the "power" menu. There is not much sense?
Xbox: Windows 8, you can customize Office Xbox provides intuitive access to all the games and all the features of the console. PIN on their favorite game or application's home page also allows you to go to. In addition, the kaduoping played in the console shows two application simultaneously on a split screen. It is possible to watch television, for example, fixed to the screen while playing.
Market games, movies and music
The PS4. PlayStation 3 owners, you lose a sense of direction with the PlayStation Network PlayStation 4. PlayStation Plus account with you, it is essential for online play (50 euros), you can download all month by Sony's game selection: PS4 's launch, provide contrast for the shooter Resogun and adventure games. It is still possible to download free game demos before buying, arm yourself with patience. Some shows, like those FIFA 14 or 14 NBA 2k, weighing dozens of GB ADSL or downloaded for a few hours.
In terms of video, VOD provides a rich and new, but not necessarily-HD expected average of 5 euros cheaper leases. In addition, no one regrets bag, must be purchased separately the episode (episode in HD, or 30 per cent € 3 euro a whole season). In France only provides movies, TV series. VO fans so bad?
Xbox: the strange thing is, there is no demo games currently available on the console's online store. A variety of well-known applications (like YouTube, Internet Explorer, or tics, it still cannot stream and its parts and just watch the video, but the comments. Pluzz applications also allow you to view the program, France replayed. All of these applications are free, but must be downloaded.
Finally, Microsoft also provides access to the list of VOD movies and music. One-year pass count 99.9 euros will be music to millions of songs and 9.99 euros a month. Price depends on the quality of the video by the film. VOD feature film Wolverine, for example, costs 14.99 euros to rent in HD and 4.99 euros, but low definition 12.99 euros and 3.99 euros, respectively. Again, no VO on the horizon, except for a few movies.
Installing a Game
PS4: corrected the PlayStation 3 black spots. If you need to install the data set, then this action is in the background. In short, you need to wait for the console to install the first data 1-5 minutes so you can start your game: PlayStation 4 will continue to install the game to your hard disk without your noticing you.
Xbox: the mandatory upgrade of the firing for the first time become the norm. These ranges from 658 MB to death by 3 to 6 GB Forza Motorsport 5?
Technical defects
PS4: at full capacity, the console is fast noise, and fan noise can interfere. PS4 better placed in open space, where it will be not hot enough air so fast.